Learn all about Kubernetes with this quick reference.
Kubernetes Intro
What is Kubernetes?
Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform.
Kubernetes abstracts the underlying infrastructure.
Kubernetes runs on infrastructure and the application runs on Kubernetes.
Automates the deployment and management of containerized applications at scale
Kubernetes exposes required API’s for controlling containerized workloads.
Kubernetes operates at container level not at hardware level
Containers enables you to package your application as a microservice but to manage these containers(ex. when the container goes down) in a production environment, you need orchestration tools like Kubernetes.
Kubernetes originated from Greek word, meaning “helmsman” or “pilot.” and Google open-sourced the project in 2014
Kubernetes is sometimes referred as “k8s” where “8” represents the 8 characters between “K” and “s” in Kubernetes word.
Why to use Kubernetes and its Key offerings?
It takes care of scaling and failures of your containerized application
Self-healing – Kubernetes can restart or replace the faulty container and it will not expose the containers until it is ready
Kubernetes exposes container IP address or DNS name
Kubernetes provides load balancing, so that traffic is distributed evenly across all the containers
Effective resource utilization on the nodes based on the available compute resources
Kubernetes provides automated rollouts or creation of new containers for your deployment
Kubernetes allows you to mount storage of your choice
Kubenetes lets you manage secrets and configurations without rebuilding container images
Loosely coupled and highly available infrastructure
Extensible open-source community built plugins to add additional capabilities such as logging, monitoring, and security.
Highly portable – you can move containerized apps across environments without worrying about the configuration.
Kubernetes can able to span multi-cloud – i.e Master and Nodes can live on different cloud provider environments but this may not be a good option considering performance and reliability.